PRRC is a resource center for the psychiatric residents, featuring articles by Dr. Lida Prypchan.
PRRC will also provide a forum for psychiatric students to interchange opinions about being in a residency training program.

PRRC was founded by Dr. Lida Prypchan.

Dr. Prypchan was a psychiatric resident for a total of 9 years. (3 years at UCV Universidad Central de Venezuela, 4 years in New York City at Elmhurst Hospital Center/Mount Sinai School of Medicine for her Adult Psychiatry Residency Training, and 2 years for a fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at Elmhurst Hospital Center/Mount Sinai School of Medicine.)

Dr. Prypchan will be posting articles about psychiatric disorders in detail.

She worked in research at Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic in the fields of schizophrenia, substance abuse/anxiety disorders in children & adolescents and projects on diagnostic classification for the World Psychiatric Association for 6 years. From 19 yrs to 29 yrs old, she worked as a freelance writer educating the community on psychological and psychiatric issues, in particular sociology and psychiatry. For 3 consecutive years she received a national award for scientific journalism.

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